Article beer brewing business Caryophyllene cbd edibles history Humulene Industry infused limonene Linalool pairings Pinene plants terpenes THC

A Guide To Cannabis Beer

Cannabis brands have continued to come out with innovative new ways to enjoy cannabis without smoking, and cannabis-infused beverages are definitely having a moment. Brewing companies are quickly hopping on this trend, offering up their haziest concoct…

advocate Article chef edibles food infused medical cannabis Megon Dee

Medicinal Chef Megon Dee Is Helping People Finding The Sacred In Cannabis

The edible chef, cannabis educator, advocate, and healer on using cannabis to channel something more cosmic. When Megon Dee moved from Baltimore, MD to Portland, OR in 2016, she just wanted a fresh start. Particularly in regards to her relationship wit…

Article baking cooking eat edibles food infused Michigan Rachel King united states

California-based Kaneh Co. Is Bringing Gourmet Cannabis-Infused Baked Goods To Michigan

When Rachel King decided to expand her California-based cannabis-infused baked goods company Kaneh Co. to Michigan, she says she did it partially because of the Great Lakes State’s huge marijuana market, which reported just under $1 billion in sales la…

Article baking cake eat edibles food infused sweets treats

Treat Your Loved Ones With The Gift Of Infusion

I’ve been thinking about which recipes to share with you all for February. Normally the weather is yucky and people start to feel like winter will never end. But then you get Valentine’s Day! In my mind, February + V-Day + love = chocolate. I don’t thi…

Article drinks eat edibles food food & drink infused ingredients recipe

Cannabis-Infused Drinks To Stay Warm In Winter

As the winter sky gleams and the snow sets in, the yearning to curl up and enjoy a warm drink starts to pound our hearts. Imagine the warmth of a fresh bowl of soup or a creamy cup of hot chocolate can give you on a cold winter evening. While these tra…

anxiety Article Bath bombs business Canada cannabinoid cramps gifts Industry infused lube products women sex stress Valentines Day

A Guide For Canadians Looking To Try Cannabis This Valentine’s Day

Wondering what to buy? “Flowers, duh!” says budtender Katie Lake… but with a pot twist. “In high school, my nickname was Miss Bakes. I guess it’s true what they say; old habits die hard,” says Katie Lake, who is currently working as a budtender at Sh…

Article baking business cbd eat edibles food Industry infused ingredient Pittsburgh united states

5 Generation Bakers Adds Special Feel-Good Ingredient: CBD

Scott Baker’s family has been in the baking business since 1875, and to this day it holds the recipe for one of Pittsburgh’s most sweet and guilty pleasures: Jenny Lee Swirl breads. So he brought the famous bread back when he established 5 Generation B…

activities Article entertainment food fun infused lockdown mental health movies outdoors Spa Zoom

Five Canna-Friendly Lockdown Activities To Add To Your Winter Bucket List

Now that the all the holiday excitement is over, we can finally take some time to enjoy the wonderful activities that winter has to offer. With that said, many of our favourite mid-winter pastimes will look different this year. That’s why we’ve partner…