alcohol cannabis cbd coffee melatonin

Mixing Marijuana: How Cannabis Interacts With Melatonin, Caffeine, And Alcohol

Mixing Marijuana: How Cannabis Interacts With Melatonin, Caffeine, And Alcohol
With more people consuming cannabis, how do these interactions play out?
The post Mixing Marijuana: How Cannabis Interacts With Melatonin, Caffeine, And Alcohol appeared fir…

cbd chemotherapy medical marijuana news peripheral neuropathy

Study: Oral CBD Prevents Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

Study: Oral CBD Prevents Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects nerves in the extremities (feet and hands) causing them to become weak, painful, and numb.
The post Study: Oral CBD Prevents Chemother…