Health medical marijuana

Cannabis for IBD: Can it help?

IBD includes disorders characterized by chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, leading to symptoms such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss. Can cannabis help?
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dosing Health

What is the best quantity for a dose of cannabis?

With different methods of consumption and different potencies of flower, the amount of a standard dose of cannabis isn’t clear. Cannabis is potent medicine and standardizing dosing will help both research and consumers.
The post What is the best quanti…

Health sleep

Does cannabis affect your dreams?

Do you stop dreaming when you smoke a lot of weed? Or have crazy dreams when you take a t-break? Read on to see how cannabis can affect your dreams.
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Health ocd

Cannabis and OCD: What does the science say?

Not much research has been done on cannabis and OCD, but other studies suggest it can be highly beneficial for OCD symptoms. Read on to see what the science says.
The post Cannabis and OCD: What does the science say? appeared first on Leafly.