anxiety cannabinoid system cannabis CB1 receptors CB2 receptors cbd fatigue marijuana medical marijuana Pain Management RX stress stress management weed

How CBD Works With Your Body’s Cannabinoid System

How CBD Works With Your Body’s Cannabinoid System
Chronic or acute pain, stress, fatigue: CBD works in the body in all of these situations, because of the existing endocannabinoid system.
The post How CBD Works With Your Body’s Cannabinoid …

cannabis gut health metabolism weight weight loss

How Cannabis Promotes Good Gut Health And May Prevent Weight Gain

How Cannabis Promotes Good Gut Health And May Prevent Weight Gain
If using cannabis gives you the munchies then why aren’t cannabis users gaining weight and why have they been shown to have better gut health?
The post How Cannabis Promotes Good Gut Hea…

cbd Culture

How Will CBD Impact Your Work Performance?

How Will CBD Impact Your Work Performance?
We used to think that people who used cannabinoid regularly had ongoing difficulties with their memory and IQ. But in fact, this is not the case.
The post How Will CBD Impact Your Work Performance? appeared fi…