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How CBD Works With Your Body’s Cannabinoid System

How CBD Works With Your Body’s Cannabinoid System
Chronic or acute pain, stress, fatigue: CBD works in the body in all of these situations, because of the existing endocannabinoid system.
The post How CBD Works With Your Body’s Cannabinoid …

dogs news pain Pain Management pain relief pets wellness

Hanging Around Dogs For This Amount Of Time Is Enough For Pain Relief

Hanging Around Dogs For This Amount Of Time Is Enough For Pain Relief
Dogs are cute and cuddly. And according to a new study, they can also help with pain relief.
The post Hanging Around Dogs For This Amount Of Time Is Enough For Pain Relief appeared f…

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A Pain Management Doctor Shares How Marijuana Is Impacting His Patients

A Pain Management Doctor Shares How Marijuana Is Impacting His Patients
With the opioid crisis on the minds of communities and governing bodies all over the United States, a New York doctor shares how marijuana is impacting his patients and business.

alternative medicine Article Lifestyle medical cannabis medicine pain Pain Management

Cannabis And Pain Management: Is Alternative Plant Medicine Becoming The New Norm?

As time goes on, alternative plant medicine, such as cannabis, are slowly changing the way pain management is viewed and executed. Did you know that in 2019, chronic pain impacted one-third of the U.S. population? This number continues to rise, and so …

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Cannabis And Pain Management: Is Alternative Plant Medicine Becoming The New Norm?

Cannabis And Pain Management: Is Alternative Plant Medicine Becoming The New Norm?
Nowadays, cannabis and its many cannabinoids are being pursued more because of their medicinal and therapeutic properties.
The post Cannabis And Pain Management: Is Alte…

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Senior Citizen Strongman Finds Relief in Cannabis (And He’s Not the Only One!)

CANNABIS CULTURE –  Older adults are using cannabis as a preventative measure. Case in point,  Mark Burnett (62), strongman from Akron, Ohio, prefers to use CBD for an extra kick to go with his morning vitamins. CBD is subtle in its effects, but Mr. Bu…