Smoke All the Weed You Want and Pass Any Drug Test? Did German Company BeFox Discover the Cannabis Holy Grail?

The BeFox Detox is a 100% natural THC-cleaner solely consisting of organic minerals resulting in a negative urine test 16-20h after consumption, even for frequent consumers. The combination of more than 81 trace elements with the highest bioavailabilit…

The Great Ganja Resignation – Why Are So Many Cannabis Employees Leaving Their Jobs?

The cannabis industry has become populated with companies out to compete with each other for the best workforce.
Most of these workers are leaving because they have been offered better packages by competitors. These competitors see no reason to train …

alcohol cigarettes Congress Featured marijuana legalization Marijuana Legislation opinion prohibition tobacco

Negative Health Effects Of Marijuana Shouldn’t Deter Federal Legalization

Negative Health Effects Of Marijuana Shouldn’t Deter Federal Legalization
It shouldn’t matter that marijuana might cause some users to have health issues, only that continued prohibition causes problems for everyone.
The post Negative Health Effects Of…

afghanistan Central America Colombia drug war Latin America mexico opinion

When Are We Going To Start Arguing About Who Lost Mexico?

When Are We Going To Start Arguing About Who Lost Mexico?
While our Southern border is the visible flashpoint for American politicians, it is the equivalent of the Kabul airport.
The post When Are We Going To Start Arguing About Who Lost Mexico? appear…

Chuck Schumer Cory Booker Featured filibuster Kamala Harris Marijuana Legislation Politics

What Is Preventing Cannabis Legalization In The US?

What Is Preventing Cannabis Legalization In The US?
It seems likely that any measure to legalize cannabis offered by Democrats is doomed to fail due in large part to the filibuster.
The post What Is Preventing Cannabis Legalization In The US? appeared …

The USDA Approves Colorado’s New Hemp Plan, What Does That Mean for Other States?

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has given its approval 18 months after it received a hemp plan submission from the state department of agriculture. The process may have been long with lots of revisions, but the final approval means a…