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Where Does Biden’s Attorney General Pick Stand On Cannabis?

Where Does Biden’s Attorney General Pick Stand On Cannabis?
It seems like, for decades now, the DOJ has done an interesting legal and political dance with state-legal cannabis.
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Attorney General Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business Briefs Jeff Sessions Marijuana Legalization and Regulatory News for Cannabis Businesses President-elect Joe Biden United States Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business News William Barr

Biden to name attorney general soon – likely better for marijuana industry

President-elect Joe Biden told reporters Monday he plans to name his attorney general this week, a cabinet post that could be critical for the marijuana industry. Biden’s choice to lead the U.S. Department of Justice is expected to be more favora…

Politics prohibition William Barr

Breaking: US Attorney General falsely targeted 10 cannabis companies, whistleblower says

DOJ staffer says William Barr ordered antitrust investigations of cannabis mergers, just because Barr hates legalization.
The post Breaking: US Attorney General falsely targeted 10 cannabis companies, whistleblower says appeared first on Leafly.