cannabis Featured prices tobacco

Why Tobacco Prices Are Rising While Weed’s Are Dropping — And What That Means For You

Why Tobacco Prices Are Rising While Weed’s Are Dropping — And What That Means For You
Marijuana is taxed heavily, as well as tobacco, but in a different manner and with different goals.
The post Why Tobacco Prices Are Rising While Weed’s Are Dropping —…

cannabis cigarettes news smoking tobacco

Cannabis Use 10 Times More Common Among Cigarette Smokers, Study Shows

Cannabis Use 10 Times More Common Among Cigarette Smokers, Study Shows
Marijuana consumption and cannabis use are on the rise nationwide — especially in states where recreational use is legalized.
The post Cannabis Use 10 Times More Common Among Cigare…

bong cannabis cigarettes Featured news smoking tobacco

Secondhand Bong Smoke Way More Toxic Than Tobacco — Here’s Why

Secondhand Bong Smoke Way More Toxic Than Tobacco — Here’s Why
A new study found that nonsmokers may be exposed to air pollutants at concentrations equal to twice federal air quality limits.
The post Secondhand Bong Smoke Way More Toxic Than Toba…

cannabis e-cigarettes mental health news teens tobacco vapes young adults

Are E-Cigarettes A Gateway To Weed? It Depends On This, Says New Study

Are E-Cigarettes A Gateway To Weed? It Depends On This, Says New Study
While it’s clear that e-cigarettes facilitate cannabis use and make it more accessible, it’s important to understand the motive behind it.
The post Are E-Cigarettes A Gateway To Wee…