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The Risks Of Combining Cannabis And Birth Control

The Risks Of Combining Cannabis And Birth Control
It appears that THC can actually increase estrogen levels, potentially putting you at higher risk of blood clots and stroke.
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He/She/They/Weed – Marijuana Affects Genders Differently

He/She/They/Weed – Marijuana Affects Genders Differently
Some research claims that estrogen and THC have a pretty meaningful relationship, giving a boost to women and how they experience cannabis’ benefits.
The post He/She/They/Weed – Mari…

cannabis estrogen Featured how marijuana affects men and women differently THC visuospatial memory Washington State University

How Marijuana Affects Men And Women Differently

How Marijuana Affects Men And Women Differently
The main way that cannabis acts differently in women as opposed to men is its interaction with the female production of estrogen. For decades, the cannabis movement has been predominantly a boy’s club. Wo…