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Oral Health And Weed: Could Marijuana Prevent Cavities?

Oral Health And Weed: Could Marijuana Prevent Cavities?
From mouthwash to toothpaste, cannabidiol products are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate  of over 32% in the next five years
The post Oral Health And Weed: Could Marijuana Prevent …

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Does Marijuana Work Better Than Sleeping Pills For Insomnia?

Does Marijuana Work Better Than Sleeping Pills For Insomnia?
Here are five things to understand about the effect cannabis has on getting a better night’s sleep.
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From Job Loss To Obesity: Can Marijuana Help?

From Job Loss To Obesity: Can Marijuana Help?
If the quarantine is exacerbating emotions pertaining to loss, grief, anxiety or even obesity, here’s how marijuana can help.
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Does Marijuana Lower The Effects Of Anti-Depressants?

Does Marijuana Lower The Effects Of Anti-Depressants?
For the over 16 million Americans with depression, many are seeking alternative remedies to alleviate their symptoms and turning to marijuana.
The post Does Marijuana Lower The Effects Of Anti-Depre…

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Cannabis And HPV: Friend Or Foe?

Cannabis And HPV: Friend Or Foe?
Often called the common cold of the sexual world, the Centers for Disease Control states that HPV has infected over 79 million individuals worldwide.
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Can Food Addiction Be Tackled With Marijuana And Hemp?

Can Food Addiction Be Tackled With Marijuana And Hemp?
While THC ignites CB1 receptors  in many cases, CBD can help calm the appetite, controlling obesity by blocking the receptor.
The post Can Food Addiction Be Tackled With Marijuana And Hemp? appeare…