Worldwide Cannabis Sales to Hit $51,000,000,000 by 2025 Predicts New Frontier Data

New Frontier Data recently published a report that reveals just how much the cannabis industry is expected to grow before the end of this decade. The comprehensive report states that global cannabis sales are estimated to reach at least $50 billion bef…

Drying and Curing Your Marijuana Buds – The Best Methods That Can Make or Break Your Cannabis Harvest

You should know now that drying and curing cannabis buds are a critical post-harvest process if you didn’t already know. This is a process that can boost the taste and overall quality of your marijuana crop. After harvesting your plants, it is straight…

Cannaconspiracy – The FDA’s Reluctance to Approve Medical Cannabis vs. Approving Messenger RNA Vaccines

The FDA can “emergency approve” vaccines but have taken more than 50-years to admit that cannabis has medical properties – Cannabis Users and Mandates If there’s one thing you can say about the avid cannabis smoker is that they do love their conspiraci…

Where’s My Manly Discount? Man Sues Dispensary over Ladies’ Night Promotion and Discounts

Mr. Frye is an ex-member of the National Coalition for Men. He identifies as an Orange County Men’s activist and he has taken it upon himself to be the voice against the wrongs he feels are perpetrated against men. From the report published by San Luis…

Will Smith Trips Balls on Psychedelics in Peru and Dishes on It in His New Book ‘Will’

Will gave a series of stories about how he had used psychedelics in Peru. According to the in-depth cover story in GQ magazine, the actor’s memoir will reveal more about these encounters. Like you, a whole lot of fans can’t wait to get one of these mem…

Need to Grow Weed Fast? The 6 Fastest Growing Autoflower Strains on the Cannabis Market Today

Marijuana goes through several stages, from when it is planted to harvest time. One of the stages entails the flowering stage, and this is when the plant moves from its vegetative state and begins to develop buds while increasing in size and height. Th…

From Canning to Cannabis -Thailand Embraces Medical Marijuana as Patient List Explodes

The government is on a mission to ensure patients, farmers, researchers, tourists, and other domestic businesses benefit from the medical cannabis industry. While this has sprung up different controversies, the authorities are focused on protecting the…