Can Cannabis Depersonalize You? Wait, What Does Depersonalize You Even Mean?

What was interesting is that this wasn’t the first time I saw someone talk about “Depersonalization” as a result of smoking cannabis. It prompted me to write this article. Does cannabis psychologically alter you to the point where you become depersonal…

How Good is Taliban Weed? – New Taliban Government in Afghanistan Allegedly Signs Cannabis Trade Deal with Australian Pharmacy

While not wanting to support a brutal regime like the Taliban, the thought of very rare landrace strains becoming accessible and shippable to countries like Canada and the US has some in the cannabis industry salivating. With cannabis genetics and hybr…

Marijuana Apps 101 – Weed Delivery, Social Networks, Canna-Dating, Growing Tips, and More!

While these are the best cannabis apps available presently, there is still a great deal of wonderful marijuana centric apps and socializing apps out there helping users everywhere. Be sure to make the most of these apps while still finding different wa…

The Omicron COVID Variant and the Marijuana Industry – 5 Key Questions About Another Possible Shutdown

In a true silver linings story, marijuana legalization and technology innovation boomed during the first COVID-19 shutdowns.  Many states declared cannabis an “essential item” much like alcohol, and that allowed for massive advancements in curbside pic…

Gauging Dankness – A General Guide to Testing and Dosing Marijuana Edibles

This is why it’s important to always take it slow when you are consuming edibles because the moment you overdose – you’re in for a trip. Fortunately, the odds of you dying is slim to none. In most cases, finding a quiet place, drinking some coffee and …

Gauging Dankness – A General Guide to Testing and Dosing Marijuana Edibles

This is why it’s important to always take it slow when you are consuming edibles because the moment you overdose – you’re in for a trip. Fortunately, the odds of you dying is slim to none. In most cases, finding a quiet place, drinking some coffee and …

You Took a Tolerance Break from Cannabis But Still Can’t Get High, Now What?

T-break is short for tolerance break which is a special time a cannabis user sets aside to deliberately cease from consuming cannabis or cannabis products. The aim of this cessation is to help such users to condition their body and prevent it from deve…