cannabis cbd news PACT Act UPS USPS Vape vape pens

USPS Suggests PACT Act Compliance Exception For Mailing Hemp And CBD Products

USPS Suggests PACT Act Compliance Exception For Mailing Hemp And CBD Products
The USPS published a guidance document that indicates a likely exception for hemp-derived CBD and other products that are produced lawfully.
The post USPS Suggests PACT Act C…

Congress Featured federal legalization Marijuana Legislation prohibition

Cannabis Prohibition Is About To End — Does History Have To Repeat Itself?

Cannabis Prohibition Is About To End — Does History Have To Repeat Itself?
As we near the end of cannabis prohibition in the U.S., it’s important to look at the history of prohibition to better assess the potential outcomes.
The post Cannabis Prohibiti…

lawsuit maryland medical cannabis news supreme court

Maryland Lawsuit Seeks Medical Cannabis Access For Out-Of-State Residents

Maryland Lawsuit Seeks Medical Cannabis Access For Out-Of-State Residents
In Maryland, there is currently a lawsuit pending over medical cannabis patient reciprocity in the state.
The post Maryland Lawsuit Seeks Medical Cannabis Access For Out-Of-State…